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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Snikkety Snik!

Just a quick post!  Rumor is the director for the forthcoming X-men movie will be helming a Wolverine movie!   Hugh Jackman will reprise his role as Wolverine, but this will supposedly be a prequel, set in the past, prior to the happenings in X-men.   All I can say is, it's aboot damn time!   They'd better have three Wolvie films on tap, as far as I'm concerned.   He's got a great back story and it can only make great film!   Check out Frank Miller's take on him in a 4 issue mini back in the 80's.   Also, Marvel is starting  a new Wolverine series soon so this would be a good time to check that out too!   Remember if you're around Newark, Delaware check out,, ask for Joe or Paul!   And be sure to tell 'em, Mike's Wandering Mind sent ya!
'Nuff said!
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Tuesday, is it Friday yet?

Man, it feels like it's been a week already!   Had a couple of hectic days, been trying to get a final rate on a home equity loan and that has been quite the challenge.   Everyone wants you to refi, because they make more money and then they're first in line if you default on your loan.   So, of about ten quotes, only about five are worth getting more info., and of those it looks like maybe two could be considered.   Should be worth it though, eliminating higher interest credit card debt for lower interest, tax deductible debt, throw in a car loan, and extra cash to get some mid-range work done on our house that would need to be done before we move anyway.   So that's one foot deeper into the sand of life!   It's one thing when you can find a 'latte factor' in your expenses but when it comes down to the fact that you just need more money and can't advance at your current job because of the status quo, what else?   Go to a better paying job... if you can find one for what you do now!   I'm sure some jobs you can always make 15% more for a job move.   Not as a BS chemist.   Most scientists are very unforgiving and very close minded.   The general opinion is no matter what you do, you're always a BS chemist.   You think well, just go and get your Phd, have the company pay for it and work up that way.   Not necessarily, since colleagues have already formed an opinion of you when you were first hired, you HAVE to leave once you get your Phd.   Very open minded, right?   So, since my 'semi-professional' job doesn't pay too well, please feel free to click on links, ads, donate even.   I Beg of You!   Set me Free!   Kill Me...
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Sunday, March 19, 2006

V for Vendetta and Victory at the Box Office!

AP is reporting that V for Vendetta has opened up it's first weekend with about 26 million gross!   That can only mean even more good things for comic book based character projects.   Don't forget, if you liked the movie check out the original graphic novel!   Alan Moore also has other very interesting titles to his name, check those out too!
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Saturday, March 18, 2006

If I may...

I realize it's obvious with all the ads and the donate button on the blog, but, I wanted to just explain that I'm not a well off internet guru sitting around and spreading in my chair.   I'm a regular guy who is hopefully going to add a little to his income to get through the month and support his family doing something he truly has a passion for.   My wife and I decided our kids would not be in daycare so we chose for her to not work while our kids are still home.   One down, one to go and then she can find something.   If you're thinking, 'hey, wait a minute!', stop right there.   She didn't receive a college degree, so it's not like she's a lawyer or financial person and can just pop into a high paying position.   My current job, for which I earned a college degree, only pays $36k, take home.   We barely get by some months.   I make too much for public assistance, my family isn't very big; i.e., everyone old enough to work is retired or soon to be, mortgage, two car payments, credit card debt.   Anyway... All I ask is, if you appreciate any musings, please click on the ads, etc. or even donate.   Either way it's greatly appreciated!
Think peace!
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Saturday and what's with all the protests?

Watching the Philadelphia local ABC news and there were quite a few anti-war protests today.   Did I miss something about today?   I'm all for bringing the troops home, or at least the national guard troops who aren't regulars, but, we're too far into this to quit... unfortunately.   Any cessation now on our part would destroy our influence on that part of the world and would cheapen the sacrifice so many individuals and families have made so far.   Multi-national forces must play a greater role.   But, we must engender some type of goodwill program to change this rhetoric of hate.   This skewed, quasi-religious, ultra-right wing view that western civilization is at fault for everything can only be treated as what it is; a hate crime.   I can only wonder if the world powers could reign these radicals in by simple legal enforcement, such as the way the KKK and other hate groups have been held at bay in the US.
-Live simply, so that others may simply live.
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Didn't make it in today since I woke up with a screaming headache, (allergy/congestion induced) at four in the morning!   Spent the next three hours trying to alleviate the pain.   All to no avail.   Yes, the trees in and around Elkton, MD are beginning to bud and send their sex into the air!   Sinful...   Fornication as we breathe!   lol   Have to give George Clooney kudos today for decent human being of the week.   AP reports that he is donating for auction that uber shallow/materialistic 'gift' basket he received from the Oscars ceremony.   This guy has a decent head on his shoulders!   Maybe more people in La La Land will follow suit.   On the flip side, AP made a major mistake in the movie review section of my local paper, (, when reviewing V for Vendetta, which opens today, they didn't mention Alan Moore, only the other half of the creative team of the original graphic novel, David Lloyd.   IMHO, that is a major screw up.   But, hey, it's not like news should be accurate, right?    Once again, if your interest is piqued via the commercials, and you're in the Newark, DE area, stop by   and pick up a copy of the original graphic novel or anything else by Alan Moore for that matter.   Tell 'em Mike's Wandering Mind sent you!
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A special link...

A very cool blog for a very cool dude.   This is a man who knows the very innermost workings of a comic geeks soul.   Not in a brokeback mountain kind of way, but, a very hetero-life mate way! lol

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Ahhh, coffee...

Sunny and a little warm here in Elkton this am.   A little groggy... haven't had my coffee yet.  Didn't start drinking coffee until our first child came along,.   IMHO, eight o'clock coffee is the best money can buy.   100% arabica bean and ~$6 a pound.   One of the best books I read was about coffee, Uncommon Grounds by Mark Prendergrast, see link above.   This book is amazing!  Not just all about coffee, how it's produced but how to make a good cup and a little history of each brand.  As well as a critique on preference.  Check it out!

Eight o'clock, babies!

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One Piece!

Anybody get the One Piece dvd Tuesday?  I got it through NetFlix, which is an awesome site/concept!  IMHO, it's worth any hassle for the selection alone.   Anyways... I was a little dissapointed that the dvd only had 3 episodes per disc.   Oh well, I finally got to see the entire first episode!   Since Cartoon Network changes the schedule every two weeks  I hardly have time to find it let alone watch it!   Anyway it was worth to rent, not buy though, hardly any extras aside from a few production art stills and two ads for Shonen Jump Mag and Video.

Keep on Dreamin'!

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First entry! Today in Elkton.

Welcome to my Wandering Mind!   A daily rambling of my life.  Good and bad. Yeah, somedays I feel like that.  But more about me.  Mid 30's, white male, married to an uber cute BBW, happily for 10 years now.  We've introduced two zygotes into the world, 'our greatest experiment.'   I always thought that was a cheeky sentiment but hey... i work full time as a chemist and that is not quite the 'Elysian fields' you might think.  I earned a bachelor's degree in chemistry/biochemistry, secured employment with a major chemical company, and realized quickly there is a glass ceiling unless you have a Phd.   Anyways... Anyone have Comcast cable?  I'm listening to the Classic Disco channel!  Boogie Fever!  Boogie Nights!  So... I live in Elkton, MD!  Marriage capital of the east.   And I realized tonight spring is on it's way!  Saw a Robin in the yard today!   And saw a bat flitting around tonight also!   Can't be that far away!   A little warmth would be nice.   Time for gardening too!   Mmmm, compost.   Digging in the dirt!  I cannot wait.   If the kids let me do any of it!  Little helpers can sometimes hinder more than help!   So I hear today that George lost his oil buddies' oversight of all US ports today?   Hmmm.   Does he still get a finder's fee? lol! Technorati Tags : , , , , , , , , , Ads by AdGenta.comAds by
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