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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Tuesday, is it Friday yet?

Man, it feels like it's been a week already!   Had a couple of hectic days, been trying to get a final rate on a home equity loan and that has been quite the challenge.   Everyone wants you to refi, because they make more money and then they're first in line if you default on your loan.   So, of about ten quotes, only about five are worth getting more info., and of those it looks like maybe two could be considered.   Should be worth it though, eliminating higher interest credit card debt for lower interest, tax deductible debt, throw in a car loan, and extra cash to get some mid-range work done on our house that would need to be done before we move anyway.   So that's one foot deeper into the sand of life!   It's one thing when you can find a 'latte factor' in your expenses but when it comes down to the fact that you just need more money and can't advance at your current job because of the status quo, what else?   Go to a better paying job... if you can find one for what you do now!   I'm sure some jobs you can always make 15% more for a job move.   Not as a BS chemist.   Most scientists are very unforgiving and very close minded.   The general opinion is no matter what you do, you're always a BS chemist.   You think well, just go and get your Phd, have the company pay for it and work up that way.   Not necessarily, since colleagues have already formed an opinion of you when you were first hired, you HAVE to leave once you get your Phd.   Very open minded, right?   So, since my 'semi-professional' job doesn't pay too well, please feel free to click on links, ads, donate even.   I Beg of You!   Set me Free!   Kill Me...
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