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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Neighbor's Annual Point the Power Washer at the Window Cleaning Day!

So I've mentioned my neighbors before right? LOL   So, every year, the male half walks around thier home and randomly power washes the siding.   Doesn't use a ladder just points it up and really pushes the water up under the siding! LOL   It's one of those gas powered ones too, real powerful!   The other thing he likes to do is go whole hog at the windows with this thing.   Now, once again, I'm not an expert but... one needs to be aware of the propensity of water to infiltrate the smallest of openings AND the fact that a pressure washer can and will rip wood apart!   Anymore I just shake me head at this act of ignorance.   Poor bastard is just pushing water into the envelope of the house!   Better him than me!   Also, my unofficial countdown of their pool opening has begun.   My money is on Memorial Day weekend.   Those Weeping Willows I planted at the back of the yard can't grow too fast!   Maybe I'll post pics? LOL The male half over there does possess an impressive beer gut along with an equally disgusting 'outie.'   No offense to anyone else, but that thing gives me the squirms!   I'll have to get a close up and post it!  
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