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Saturday, March 18, 2006


Didn't make it in today since I woke up with a screaming headache, (allergy/congestion induced) at four in the morning!   Spent the next three hours trying to alleviate the pain.   All to no avail.   Yes, the trees in and around Elkton, MD are beginning to bud and send their sex into the air!   Sinful...   Fornication as we breathe!   lol   Have to give George Clooney kudos today for decent human being of the week.   AP reports that he is donating for auction that uber shallow/materialistic 'gift' basket he received from the Oscars ceremony.   This guy has a decent head on his shoulders!   Maybe more people in La La Land will follow suit.   On the flip side, AP made a major mistake in the movie review section of my local paper, (, when reviewing V for Vendetta, which opens today, they didn't mention Alan Moore, only the other half of the creative team of the original graphic novel, David Lloyd.   IMHO, that is a major screw up.   But, hey, it's not like news should be accurate, right?    Once again, if your interest is piqued via the commercials, and you're in the Newark, DE area, stop by   and pick up a copy of the original graphic novel or anything else by Alan Moore for that matter.   Tell 'em Mike's Wandering Mind sent you!
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