So... It's been awhile... Again!
Well, I've been somewhat busy as of late, haven't had a chance to post much at all. I don't know about you but I've certainly been trying to cut back on my gas usage as of late. Maintaining tire pressure and smart driving practices can certainly do a lot to maximize your gas mileage. But a big thing is combining trips instead of a lot of single trips. Amazing how many you do when you start to think about it! One surprising thing I've noticed is that people don't seem to want to slow down. Don't people realize the faster you go, the more gas you burn? I'm sure there's an 'optimal' speed where any model is most efficient, but, damn people! Slow the F! down! I know I have! As for new more efficient cars, the Toyota Yaris looks awesome! And a great price too! Starts at around $11,000. If they only had come out 6 months earlier I would've bought that instead of my Hyundai Elantra. Finally got to see Treasure Planet last night with my kids, (Disney channel showed it). Great movie! Good adaptation and re-imagining, see it soon! So, until next time babies, Be Free!
Technorati Tags : toyota, yaris, gas, oil, prices, disney, treasure, planet, animation, hyundai, elantra
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