Snikkety Snik!
Whereupon our hero has taken a liberty with himself and sets hand to head, and finger to keyboard, in order to document his daily frenetic life. One fraught with children, a wife, dogs, vile neighbors, car payments, a mortgage, and... chemistry! Not to mention whatever else wanders into his mind! Cool stuff too, like comics, anime, etc.
A very cool blog for a very cool dude. This is a man who knows the very innermost workings of a comic geeks soul. Not in a brokeback mountain kind of way, but, a very hetero-life mate way! lol
Technorati Tags : movies, kevin, smith, comics, anime, cartoon, view, askew, jay, silent, bob, clerks, film, batman
Sunny and a little warm here in Elkton this am. A little groggy... haven't had my coffee yet. Didn't start drinking coffee until our first child came along,. IMHO, eight o'clock coffee is the best money can buy. 100% arabica bean and ~$6 a pound. One of the best books I read was about coffee, Uncommon Grounds by Mark Prendergrast, see link above. This book is amazing! Not just all about coffee, how it's produced but how to make a good cup and a little history of each brand. As well as a critique on preference. Check it out!
Eight o'clock, babies!
Technorati Tags : coffee, donuts, mug, ceramic, cup, colombia
Anybody get the One Piece dvd Tuesday? I got it through NetFlix, which is an awesome site/concept! IMHO, it's worth any hassle for the selection alone. Anyways... I was a little dissapointed that the dvd only had 3 episodes per disc. Oh well, I finally got to see the entire first episode! Since Cartoon Network changes the schedule every two weeks I hardly have time to find it let alone watch it! Anyway it was worth to rent, not buy though, hardly any extras aside from a few production art stills and two ads for Shonen Jump Mag and Video.
Keep on Dreamin'!
Technorati Tags : One, Piece, Cartoon, Network, anime, manga, shonen, jump, pirates, treasure