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Monday, September 25, 2006

Rachael Ray Show...

I'd like to just make it 'official.'  She's overexposed.  There.  I said it.  She was cute, 2-3 times a day on 30 Minute Meals, but now...  annoying.  However, the evolution of her hand gesturing throughout the run of 30 minute meals is fascinating in a guilty voyeuristic way.
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Fantasy & Science Fiction...

Wanted to chat a little about my absolute favorite thing in the world, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction or F&SF as fans often refer to it.  This is the best thing I get in the mail and wait for it with anticipation every month.  Many stories, novellas, etc. a few cartoons, and some good book reviews.  The 'science of fantasy' type articles are interesting too.  My favorite though is the last page.  And I turn to it first, every month.  'Curiosities,' is a wonderful section that profiles a 'forgotten' book of the genre from the past 90 years or so.  I've discovered some wonderful gems through this section.  Look for the digest sized magazine in bookstores or check out their website,
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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I'm Back! ...In the Saddle Again!

So!  After a long absence I'm wandering again!  I'd like to welcome any newcomers from MySpace who happen to find their way here.  Hope I can be entertaining and thought provoking.  Headed down to the Baltimre Comic Con this past Sunday and did I get some gems! : )  I picked up a page of original art from Matt Wagner that was in Batman and the Monster Men.  Awesome depiction of Batman on the side of a building, cape flowing... Awesome!  I got a sketch and signature from Dick Ayers of a 1960's era Batman and bat symbol.  His wife, (Lynn or Linda?), was soooo nice.  Started telling me about their kids and grandkids, etc.  Very nice people.  She suggested I go over and get a signature from Jerry Robinson, who's a good friend of theirs, I got that too!  More later!
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